I love the way mystical creatures are hidden in this painting. At first glance, it's just another forest, but when one looks closer, one can see another realm hidden within. Just a Genius. I can relate to how the artist feel when he painted this work.
Sometimes, I often find myself lost amidst all those paint tubes and brushes. So, I just start without any thought at all, until this senseless work becomes a unique form. I guess, a true artist will always have that power to create something out of nothing, even if there's no inspiration to start with.
( Too bad I didn't get any info on the artist himself )
Artist Comment:
" A painting I made entirely at my friend's place !!! Didn't count how many hours I spent on it but I know that I enjoyed working on this canvas a lot. Didn't have any clue of where i was going which gives the chaotic aspect. Hope you like it !!! "
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