I love the expression of naiveté and curiosity stamped on the woman's face. The wind seems to gently blow her hair with its music. I can see violin scrolls and G-clef painted on her hair, as if to convey that message. Or perhaps, my eyes had deceived me. But what I love about this painting is its subtle simplicity... of charm and femininity.
More About the Artist:

I've been drawing as long as I can remember and started playing with paint about 10 years ago. I'm most often influenced by the state of our world, how people treat each other and their environments, exploitation and the rising tide of commercialism. Although I do at times make art just for art's sake & simple communion with the mystery of beauty and creation, I also really find it necessary to create works with content vs. just painting cute/trendy pictures - which seems to be so prevalent these days. "
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