This eye is a bit unnerving to look at, and yet, I can't take my eyes off it. James Sebor knows how to create that stir in his artworks, always infusing his distinct sense of humor in every work.
This work is made on 36 x 24 inches with acrylic media. I love the attention given to the tinniest detail of this work. I think the eye here is a symbol of what we see outside ourselves. Simply eye-catching!
More About the Artist:

What is Your Inspiration?
"I was reading Revolution of the Mind by Mark Polizzotti and was amused by the coincidental parallels between Breton’s concept of the Great Invisibles and a series of paintings I was working on at the time. Like other occurrences of serendipity, synchronicity, the mystery of chance and intuition that happen from time to time in life, the fact that I began this series before I was introduced to the Great Invisibles keeps me open to the idea that we all have access to a higher awareness of things. When a coincidence like this occurs, I can’t help but be convinced that there really is something to Carl Jung’s theory of the Collective Unconscious.
When one intentionally ignores the defining shapes of “real” objects, an infinite amount of new, imaginary objects become available. When an element of reality is transferred on to canvas as a point of departure, and one observes it through irrational eyes, new objects appear, seemingly all on their own. While this approach to painting may not reveal any great mystery about me or the world, a common chord may be strummed now and then that opens the surrealist eye in everyone."
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