This artwork reminds me of an elephant's tusk, depicted in the modern way the artist feels like. What fascinated me with Kenneth Huff's work is his keen attention to details, even in the tiniest pixels.
This kind of work separates the genius from the rest of the group. I can see patience and love in the execution of this work. This art comes in the size of 40 x 40 inches, and limited to a variant of twenty, full-colored prints. Ingenious!

Kenneth A. Huff is an interdisciplinary visual artist working in a variety of traditional and new media. Through intricately-detailed abstractions, he explores evolving patterns and forms in nature. His body of organically-inspired work spans more than fourteen years and includes prints, sculptures, time-based projects and photographs.
Ken’s works have been included in over 350 public showings in Australia, Austria, Canada, China, France, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa, Spain, United Kingdom and twenty-seven of the United States of America.
What is your Inspiration?
"...Inspired by the random, yet structured beauty and minute details of nature (flora, fauna and mineral), multitudes of objects often are included in works, frequently similar in form, yet always unique in their details. Details of color and texture mimic the level of physical detail found in the natural world and create an illusion of reality even while the viewer is confronted with the practical knowledge that the objects illustrated do not exist.
One of the most satisfying aspects of the process is the ability to create an image with physical levels of detail and realism without the constraints of physical materials. The path from inspiration and idea to implementation and image is direct and unencumbered. "
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